#1 by
, Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:49 pm
here the highest temperatures expected in Germany and Austria for th coming heat wave.
Today in Germany 24C in Berlin and Brandenburg. In Austria 25C in N Burgenland and E Lower Austria.
Tomorrow in Germany 32C in NW Baden Wuertemberg. In Austria 30C in N Burgenland.
Saturday 37C in S Niedersachsen, In Austria 30C in N Burgenland
Sunday in Germany 41C in Berlin, in Austria 33C in Burgenland and SE Lower Austria.
Monday in Germany 38C in Berlin, in Austria 35C in N Burgenland
Tuesday in Germany 40C in Niedersachsen, in Austria 36C in SE Upper and SW lower Austria
More coming.
Linus Höller - President of M.I.L.K. weather
- Linus

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