2015.03.06 - Bura

#1 by Linus , Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:46 pm

The Bura has struck the Adriatic sea in the past couple of days, since the fourth of March. The highest peak gust MILK Weather officially confirmed reached a speed of 270km/h and was measured in Montenegro. People living in the affected region called it the worst Bura since very many years, and there was significant damage and wide-spread electricity outages. The unusually strong Bura was caused by a storm low-pressure area over the Mediterranean, which also caused strong precipitation. Even though the storm is not over and there can still be extreme gusts, the region is through the peak and can now look forward to calmer times.

Linus Höller - President of M.I.L.K. weather

Posts: 2.140
Points: 1.549
Date registered 04.09.2012


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